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This is a high quality silver plated mandala set with gilded ornaments. It is hand crafted with beautifully carved, gold plated ornaments and decorations. The mandala consists of a base, three rings and the crown or top ornament.

Origin : Kathmandu, Nepal.

Quality : Hand crafted silver and gold plated mandala set. Master quality,

Diameter of base : 15 cm. (5.9 inches)

Height of base : 4 cm. (1.6 inches)

Weight :  430 gm

SKU: 2710FR16 Category:

In Tibetan Buddhismthe mandala is used as a symbolic offering of the entire universe to all Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

During the mandala offering practice, one symbolically offers the entire universe with Mount Meru at the center surrounded by the four continents, oceans and mountains, etc.


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